Add on any of the optional extras to your Blossom BOM quilt kit and we will help you spread the cost of these over the course of the BOM.
Choose from any or all: Backing, Wadding and Quilt specific Rulers. (*see additional information on ruler options).
We have a choice of four Tula Pink Wide back backing fabrics for you. Each will be cut at 2m to give you enough fabric to back your fabric in one piece.
We also have Legacy 100% cotton wadding, again cut at 2m so it is one simple piece of wadding, not joining.
Finally we have a range of Creative Grids and Pappersaxsten rulers for you to choose from. Some of these double up and do the same job so please read on to know which you need. it you already own any of these then bonus but if not it is highly recommended to look to add these to your tool kit. We will have paper templates you can use for the pattern, but we highly recommend these rulers as they have been picked specifically by Paula for this quilt pattern.