I’m thrilled to be part of the first Threads Festival held at Sunnybank Mills and I hope you are going to be able to join me and all the other retailers, makers, designers and tutors. With lots of different thread textiles being featured in this amazing program there is something for every textile crafter out there.
Sunnybank Mills have organised a fantastic weekend packed with talks, workshops, tours and of course a little retail therapy.
…is this amazing event happening I hear you say? Well lucky for me it is just up the road from where my studio is based and I am very excited to have a large stand to be able to bring along lots of quilting goodness.
Sunnybank Mills is on Farsley Town Street, in Leeds (West Yorkshire) UK for those reading from further afield.

Did you see there is free parking and it’s only £3 in, with so much to see and do. Click the image above for a link to the google maps location.
There is a full program of events that can be found on the Sunnybank Mills website, you can find out more by clicking the image below, but here’s just some of the highlights…

There are different things happen on each of the days but it is on the weekend of 12th May 2023. I will be there with Modern Quilt Club on both the Saturday & Sunday. Make sure you check out the schedule so you know which day you want to come, or do all of them!
Hopefully I will see you Saturday, and if you have any questions please, fire away.